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Success Stories

Karina B. - Parent 

5 months post-treatment

August 2020


"She's more interested in talking, she's trying to repeat after me, she's said more than 10 words now! Before my daughter was frustrated that she could not speak or ask something or simply play with other we have had a great improvement."

Arlene V. Parent Testimonial

6-months post-treatment

October 2019

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"At the beginning, Arlene was only babbling, struggling to say mom and dad. Now she requests things using 1-2 words. She is more patient when trying to communicate. Before, she would give up. Now uses more words. Using 2-3 word sentences. The other day she said “Let’s go.” She has an increased attention span and longer sequence of play. Before she would go from one activity to another. She would play with one toy for maybe 3 minutes. Now she is able to focus for 5-10 minutes. She has increased interest in books. Now she wants to read more. and enjoys flash cards. She's interested in print and has a concept of print. She also knows many letters now."

Natalia C.'s Parent

3-months post-treatment

October 2019

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“It didn’t only help her. She gave tools for me to help her. Working with her at her level. She’s (Natalia) able to express herself more. She picked up on letters and sounds. She can use 2 words to talk. I would like to have had more time in speech therapy.”

Sebastian C.'s Parent

3-months post-treatment

October 2019


“I saw a lot of changes. He signs now, points to pictures in books, completes 12 piece puzzles, follows directions and, he knows more words.”

Jonathan C.

Bucknell University commencement address

May 2019

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